My 3 months of holiday have started a month ago but I only have the free time to update now cos I’ve been pretty occupied for the past few weeks. Anyways, I’m SO glad that this semester is over! It has been SO hectic and stressful. It feels so awesome right now to wake up everyday without having anything to worry about and no nightmares about not finishing my assignment in time LOL.
Anyways, the past 4 weeks of holiday have been quite awesome. I got ALL the rest that I needed and it was quite productive too ;) Manage to catch up with my high school friends and also keep in touch with my uni mates. Most people already have plans on what to do during this long break (like working or travelling and such) but I have no idea AT ALL. I’m not planning to work cos I’m too lazy to @_@ Not travelling as well cos I don’t think any of my friends are up for it so yeah ;/
Oh yeah not forget to mention, Christmas is coming in a week’s time! ;D Time passed so fast omg. To me, the moment that I handed in my final assignment feels like just 1 or 2 weeks ago but now it’s already the mid of December! Good times always pass so fast ;/ Last year I didn’t really have the whole Christmas mood because I was having class in December. This year, I thought to myself that I’m gonna enjoy it so much more because I’m on break during Christmas, but turns out I’m not having a super awesome Christmas mood as well ;( Hmmm maybe cos I stay at home too much.
Anywayyyyyys, been doing a lot of deep thinking recently. About many things. It certainly made me learn how to look at things from different perspectives. And for the past few months, seeing the people around me and all the things that happened to them made me comprehend that just because you didn’t succeed at a certain something, doesn’t mean you have to give up or lose hope in it. It’s okay to hurt and be disappointed, but never be afraid to trust in it again. Love, passion, friendship, life.. Everything. We might get disappointed every once in awhile and it might not even have a good outcome, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll never ever obtain that good outcome in the future. You just have to keep trying and trying, as long as u don’t lose hope in it. That’s what I tell myself all the time for the past few months. Because getting hurt/disappointed is something that will definitely occur along the way. So no matter what, we HAVE to stay strong and have faith ;) Never ever give up on anything.